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Spring Equinox - Ostara Celebration!

March 20th is the spring equinox and thus brings Ostara. Ostara is one of the 8 sabbats that make up the pagan wheel of the year. Basically any religion you can think of has some sort of spring celebration and most of them have pagan roots that descend from Ostara. It might not be on the 20th specifically but one of the biggest holidays, Easter is coming up very shortly. A lot of easter traditions you will find seem familiar to Ostara, painting eggs, celebrating with chocolate and decorating your home with a spring bouquet. Ostara is the celebration of the spring maiden returning from her winter slumber of death. Another name you might have in reference to the Spring Maiden is Persephone or Eostre. She brings back blooming plants and makes the earth fertile and ready for growth. Ostara is celebrated by Wiccans and pagans alike, however you don’t need too be either to celebrate the equinox. The Spring Equinox also signifies another huge shift. The end of the Pisces season and the end of the astrological calendar and the beginning of Aries season and thus the start of a new astrological year. The energy is going to shift tremendously from dreamy, intuitive and highly sensitive to fiery, action oriented and assertive.

Maybe you don’t realize it but you may have already done something to celebrate in certain Ostara celebratory traditions. Think of Ostara as another type of “moon ritual” but instead of celebrating the moon we celebrate the coming of spring, warmer weather and longer days. Signigifying fertility this is a wonderful time to set intentions for an abundant relationship, a stable and loving marriage or even plan for a baby if this is something that you are wishing for. There are several different ways to celebrate Ostara it is not confined to one significant ritual. Because Ostara also is coinciding with the full moon this is of course makes for a perfect time to do a full moon ritual. This is also coinciding with my first son Jaxson’s 3rd birthday celebrations. It is truly going to be an amazing few days ahead. Check out my blog post on the Super Moon Full Ritual in Libra for further information. Here are some other ways that you can celebrate the spring equinox:

1) Gather all your supplies that you will need for making a decorative Ostara Alar. This will also be used for your full moon ritual. Get creative. White daisies and lavender flowers, white or pastel coloured candles, rose or clear quartz, amethyst, and moonstone, Jasmine, rose or sage incense. Create a nest or something involving egg shells. Even use decorative little bunnies and chicks. You can also add jellybeans or chocolates as offerings to the goddess of spring. I used Cadbury Mini Eggs because theyr’e delicious, adorable and pastel.

My altar set up includes rose and clear quartz, moonstone, amethyst, selenite wand, selenite egg, white pillar candle, clay bowls made by my mom, abalone shell for burning sage, while sage, jasmine and incense box, tarot deck, Handbook for the Recently Deceased, Cadbury Mini Eggs, white Gerber daisies and lavender. Spiderweb table runner, black candle set and my succulents/terrariums stay out always.

2) Colour and dye eggs. We use natural dyes for this. Beets make a good source for natural dye and they also make a really pretty colour. You can also use, spinach for green, yellow onion for orange, and beets for light purple. You can also use actual food colouring. But the more natural the better.

3) Write down some good intentions or wishes. Say a little prayer and ask for abundance and good health. I plan to use this as part of my full moon ritual.

4) Take a salt bath. Add flower petals and bath salts. Bring your crystals into the bath with you.

5) Start small gardening projects, plant seeds and you can even involve egg shells in this process. This makes both good fertilizer for your plants and involves the symbolic egg. This however might not be ideal for those in a climate such as ours. You can start gardening inside before moving to the outside. Even if you don’t plan to start a garden yet this would be a good time to start planning for your summer garden.

6) Take a nature hike. Look for items you can use for your own altar. In past years we have had much nicer weather at this time of year. Envision the trees blooming in leaves and sunshine beating on your back. Splash in some puddles and be thankful the winter is over.

7) Melt some snow and turn it into moon water to use for further projects, this can also be used for for your full moon ritual. This is how I plan to celebrate Ostara because my big focus is going to be he full moon ritual. This also feels right considering we do not have the climate to go and frolic in a field at the moment

Snow in a mason jar to melt and then charge under the full moon light to use in my full moon ritual.

8) Cook a spring salad, eggs or hot cross buns. Eat cheese and chocolate. This is another part of the celebration I will definitely be partaking in. We will most likely have eggs for breakfast in the morning. I plan to make a kale and spinach salad with a balsamic dressing and I will be adding cucumber, strawberries, blueberries, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and cranberries. Cadbury Mini Eggs I have already started getting into in preparation lol. We will definitely be eating tons of yummy stuff over the next few days.