Momma Bat Witchery

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Jupiter Retrograde

Jupiter the oldest and largest planet in our solar system. Photo by NASA

Jupiter retrograde starts on April 10th. Jupiter the planet of luck and expansion. This is known as the lucky planet and indicates where we will find abundance in our life and at what times of year will be luckiest for us. Because it represents expansion it has the ability to magnify already good or bad things that are happening in our lives. Not only does it magnify the good and the bad but it also has the power to show you gifts and rewards and gives you deeper clarity on the bigger picture. Jupiter will be retrograde from April 10th to August 11th which is 4 months. A lot longer than our Mercury retrogrades. Having said that Jupiter’s is not nearly as powerful or life changing and even then so, retrogrades are not a bad or worrisome time of year despite their reputation. They are more so a time to take a step back and reflect on the situations related to that planet. This Jupiter retrograde is going to be focussing on love and relationships and you may experience changes in ares of personal growth and development, success and happiness. For Jupiter these will be things like any messages or gifts you think the universe has been trying to give to you but you might not necessarily have received them yet. This is also a great time to become more open to Jupiter and what Jupiter has to offer you. Do some digging and try to see the grander vision. Let go of ego that is holding you back and blocking the bigger picture. This is also a good time to reflect on dark experiences that we have been through. Try to find the silver lining and maybe some bit of peace and healing. There is always a silver lining no matter what and Jupiter retrograde helps us to see this. Jupiter retrograde indicates to us places in our life that need improvement. What do you need to work on to be better at every aspect of your life. Not just one thing but your relationships, your career, your health. What can be improved to make you an overall happy, healthy and open minded individual. Perhaps you are experiencing an addiction or have been arrogant or ignorant towards a certain situation. Jupiter will shed light on this and you will feel like making a change for the better. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this and do not be afraid. Time and Jupiter will test you to see if you are ready and deserving of good fortune, good romance and perhaps even material wealth. But you might have to go through some deeper issues to get to that point. Trust the process and as always healing is important to grow as a person and to finally receive what is it you actually seek. It will go direct August 11th and so there will be plenty of time to process this retrograde period. It is coming though my friends so be weary of that energy shift.