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Pluto Retrograde

April 24, 2019 Pluto will go retrograde until October 2, 2019 when it will go direct again. This is basically 6 months of Pluto retrograde. Pluto the intense planet of death, rebirth, transformation, change, sex. This planet is the furthest in our galaxy and thus takes the longest to orbit our lovely planet. It can spend months retrograde and thus the effects will be had but will not be nearly as obvious as that of Mercury, Venus or even Jupiter retrograde, the changes are actually quite subtle. Once again, a retrograde basically means the planet appears to be moving backwards in the sky, these are usually periods of change and confusion. Again Pluto is the planet of transformation. Not easy transformation. This is not an easy ride at all. Pluto absolutely destroys and annihilates. It is somewhat scary to think because things associated with Pluto are not easy matters. It is transformational in the most intense way. But Pluto is the furthest away and the slowest so although 6 months of the year it is retrograde you would think we would all be self destructing and the world would discombobulate (maybe some of us are self destructing 6 months of the year). Whole years of our lives are spent with Pluto retrograde and likely a large amount of people will have Pluto retrograde in their natal chart. Because of the great distance of Pluto this drastically reduces the effects of this retrograde. Pluto retrograde might be brutal and brooding however. Pluto retrograde asks us to look at our darker side and our deepest most hidden desires. It also is a very good time to get more in tune with our subconscious abilities, psychic powers and intuitions. Sex, birth, death, abuse, addictions and major transformation are all themes of Pluto. Unfortunately all good things in life do come to an end and I would be thoroughly surprised to find one person who leaves this earth completely unscathed. Life is hard and the painful lessons are what teach us to become stronger and more capable. So despite some of the harder things that Pluto teaches us they are important and valuable lessons. A time of reflection on the deeper things in life. A time where your compulsions, addictions, power control, bad behaviours will either be more intense or you will finally be able to let them go. It really depends on how you are in your everyday life not during a retrograde period. The more intense your destructive behaviour, the more extreme the detoxification or withdrawal stage will be, such as going cold turkey. Or maybe you don’t have destructive behaviour and you have your shit together, well perhaps you will start exhibiting those Pluto influences more during this time. A good way to best use this period of time is to embrace transformation and change, honour your dark side, check and release any unhealthy vices/obsessions and thoroughly reconsider your self-destructive behaviours. Let go of that rigid control and let go of dead situations. Do not be afraid of the dark and unknown, rather embrace it fully. Those with cardinal signs (Libra, Capricorn, Cancer and Aries) will feel this retrograde the most. This planet is retrograde for usually half the year every year. There is nothing to fear here, I just want y’all to be informed. The planets retrograde and it is what it is.