Momma Bat Witchery

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Saturn Retorgrade

Photo by NASA

Today, April 29, 2019 Saturn will go retrograde. Saturn the planet of rules, structure, responsibilities, duties. Saturn transits and retrogrades can be tough. Some call Saturn “The Lord of Karma”. He is hard and stern and people can learn some tough but valuable lessons during Saturn transits. Saturn is the 7th planet from Earth, has rings and is big and far and thus once again we have long retrograde periods and affects might not be as intense as the faster/closer moving planets. This Saturn in retrograde is 31˚ Capricorn. Capricorn is in its ruling planet when in Saturn. There will be emphasis on duties and responsibilities. These lessons can be difficult and hard to face/learn. Ultimately Saturn is very fair however. The good thing about Saturn Retrograde is that some of that internal pressure we feel on a day to day basis will be lightened. You will get a break and feel way more enabled to tackle all of the things that you have to do. This is a good time to review your commitments and responsibilities, indicate when the line has been crossed for yourself, assess whether this is something you actually want or you are just doing this to make others happy and it serves no real purpose, find ways to work more efficiently and not necessarily harder, release negative and perfectionist behaviours, and above all else believe in yourself. You can accomplish the goals and commitments you have made, you have all the tools to do this. This retrograde period will be affecting those with Cardinal signs so if you are Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn this retrograde will affect you more. It will be okay though because it sounds as though things are going to lighten up a bit. Either way though there will be major emphasis on duties and responsibilities. This will actually be a very good thing especially for those who have trouble focusing on their goals and the future and those who may feel anxiety over these things. For once a retrograde period will be helping us and not hindering or making things more complicated. Use this energy in the best way possible to put in the work. The next few months will be transformative if you do.