Momma Bat Witchery

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Full "Strawberry" Moon in Sagittarius

There is another full Moon upon us today at its peak at 3:31am. This full Moon is in the fire and mutable sign of Sagittarius. Dubbed a “strawberry” full Moon from Algonquin tribes because now is the time of year when berries would have been harvested. Sagittarius are the truth seeking, adventurers of the zodiac. They are philosophers, lively, joyous and extremely blunt. Their bluntness comes from, again their constant truth seeking. They don’t mean to be blunt and hurt others they just say what they feel and know to be real. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion. Optimism will be high and despite some negative aspects you will be able to easily brush aside negative feelings. There are several negative aspects that will be coinciding with this full Moon. Jupiter will be opposite the Sun in Gemini. Venus square Neptune. Mercury and Mars are opposite and conjunct Saturn AND Pluto. You may have felt this nervous, anxious, and somewhat combative/angry energy in the air. With Mars opposite Saturn you may be experiencing delays, restrictions and an overall feeling of helplessness. Use this energy instead to something specific and productive. Physical activity will definitely help out. This oppressive force may have us feeling like doing things others want us to do in order to embrace a more “normal” or “safe’ life. With Jupiter square Neptune there is a chance of overindulgence so remember everything in moderation. Embrace universal love and truth but avoid excessive spending and drinking. This full Moon in Sagittarius will help allow us the energy to overcome the fear and anxiety from some of these more negative aspects. Sagittarius will allow us to discover the life that we want to live, our way, unconventionality and all. With Sagittarius’ influence this is a good time to speak your truth and speak it proud.

There will be opportunities for owning our passions, exploring our sense of purpose, philosophizing deeply, standing up to injustices, wild adventure and celebration. Find your truth and speak it. Don’t hold back. The truth will set you free, especially with the full Moon. I can say for damn certain that you need to adventure during this full Moon. Do something fun and different. Not only did my husband and I head out to Lockport today for Father’s Day to the Half Moon Drive Inn (a baby adventure) but we also visited a ghost town and went to the beach the other day and if that doesn’t say adventure then I don’t know what else. We also noticed lots of just weird and wacky things like a tractor parade and then a couple huge car accidents. It made our normal half an hour drive to my moms close to an hour. I always notice these weird little events go down on full Moons. I am sure you have heard that people act crazy on a full Moon, it’s definitely true. Do something fun and adventurous tonight.

As always full Moons signify endings and new beginnings. Light is shed onto things that have been hidden in the shadows and depending on what sign it is in incredible transformation. It is also a time of heightened emotions. Be cautious of your reactions because you may act or think irrationally. This is a good time to use crystals to keep you grounded, balanced and steady. Some crystals you can use are Lapis Lazuli, Topaz, Peridot, Smoky Quartz, Sodalite and Turquoise. This is also an amazing time to do a full Moon ritual which month by month I will be posting on how to perform one. We perform full Moon rituals to release and let go of toxic and negative energies and feelings. It is very therapeutic and if you can get 4 in your group, Earth, Air, Fire and Water you are a force to be reckoned with. Full Moons are also a time of deep healing and can be overwhelming. Take the time to rest if you need. People often find they are either insomniac or extra sleepy during full Moons. If you are feeling tired or not well definitely take the time to rest and recuperate. Happy full Moon friends and remember to take this time for yourself whichever way you plan to.