Momma Bat Witchery

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New Moon in Cancer Ritual

There are some really ancient rituals that have been done for 1000s of years. A lot of different astrologers and healers use these types of things to help people with the difficulties of life. You can do a ritual for all kinds of different things but some popular times to commit to doing a ritual is during new moons, full moons and during the equinoxes and solstices. If you really enjoy doing them then you can start to do a ritual for other things you need in life. It can be very therapeutic. The power of manifestation is a crazy thing and that’s why these rituals are important.

The new moon moves into Cancer on July 2nd at 2:17pm. We set intentions for the month on the new moon to be clear and concise about what we like to achieve. The new moon in Cancer asks us to focus on family, and home life. Cancer, the nurturing water sign of the zodiac, in the shape of a crab. They are the mother of the zodiac and ruled by the moon. Highly emotional and intuitive. They are the homebodies of the zodiac as well. It would be a really good time to make intentions to focus on your family. It could be a good time to reconcile family differences and make things right with issues you have amongst your family. You could also focus on projects around the house that you want to accomplish. Set intentions for caring and nurturing not only the people in your life but the projects and goals you want to accomplish. Nurture your own creativity. This new Moon also happens to land on a full solar eclipse in Cancer. Not visible to us here in the Northern Hemisphere and will be able to seen in South America. Check out my blog post on what to expect for the Full Solar Eclipse in Cancer tomorrow.

You have 3 days before and 3 days after the new Moon to perform this ritual. I would like to add a disclaimer here as the more and more readings I have been doing on eclipses, it highly suggests to not do any manifesting, intention or magick work during an eclipse. It basically will cancel out any sort of manifestation, or you may get what you want but it will end shortly and usually savagely. I think this is highly debated amongst both people who practice magick and astrologers alike but I am going to take this advice and not do my new Moon ritual until the Moon moves into Virgo on Friday. This is unusual for me as I typically do my new Moon ritual on the day of or even the day before, but I don’t want to risk it.

1) Gather any and all supplies that you will need for the ritual. You can use sage to smudge beforehand, crystals you will need (opalite, carnelian, moonstone, rose quartz and coral), a journal to write, a bowl to smudge in or burn intentions, and a candle. Another thing you could use in place of a bowl is an abalone shell which are very much associated with Cancer. I would recommend using silvery blue candle because silvery blue is associated with Cancer. If not grey or white will work.

2) Create yourself a special alter space for all the items that you have gathered. It doesn’t matter where your alter space is, it can be any table in the house or on the floor, wherever you feel most comfortable. Decorate with items such as crystals, plants, candles, things you find outside in nature like leaves or feathers, decorative table runners, anything you can really think of that seems appropriate. I will be using the Canadian flag as this new moon is very close to Canada day and I will likely be doing my new moon ritual tonight.

3) Start by smudging your alter space and say a little prayer. It can be along the lines of “I respect mother moon and all she does for us. I take this time to set honest intentions. I manifest all that is good and bright and light. I have the power to change my future. I will let go all that no longer serves me. I am totally and completely alined spiritually. I am in tune with my higher powers. “ Write down your intentions or wishes. focus on them, meditate on them. What do you wish for your life? Can you actually picture these things happening to and for you in your life? The manifestation WILL NOT work if you truly don’t believe it. It’s important to be clear on what you want. You can doodle and make your intentions “pretty” or you can just be as simple as writing a list. Some new moon in Cancer intentions would be: I will make things right with so and so family member. I will be a more patient and nurturing mother. I will nurture my creative spirit and so and so project. Spend more time at home with the family. Spend more time on a home diy project. Focus on my relationship with my mother. Focus on my role as a mother and being the best mom I can be. Nurture yourself and others. Express yourself creatively. Establish emotional security. Heal childhood wounds and trauma. And follow your intuition above all else. As always you may make intensions for anything but it is mice to focus on what this new Moon represents.

4) Light your candle. For this ritual I definitely recommend using Moon water as Cancer is very much a water sign. I will be using my own charged Moon water. You will use the Moon water to charge your crystals. You will write your intentions down into your journal. You will start off by writing down the goals and desires you have for this new month ahead of you. You will ask for the guidance in doing this. Don’t let fear or ego hold you back any longer. Next you will write about your wishes for the next month. What do you desire above all else. This is the perfect month to focus on family and home life. Now is the time to be realistic and focus on the things you truly need to accomplish in order for your dreams to manifest entirely. You will light the paper on fire and watch how the fire burns your intentions. Maybe it burns fast or maybe it fizzles out fast or maybe it burins slow and smouldering. This seals your desires and puts them out into the universe. Use your Moon water that has been charged with crystals to mark your 7 chakras, or even just a chakra that needs work. The Third Eye is often associated with Cancer, located in between both your eyes and on your forehead. Mark this space with charged Moon water.

5) At this time you can take some time for yourself however you wish, further meditation, possibly a tarot reading if you do that, you can even enjoy a glass of wine. Another thing you can do is enjoy a cleansing bath which would be highly recommended because of the water sign Cancer and the eclipse that will be falling on the same day. Tell the moon you love her, clean up your space and take the crystals to bed with you. You have just completed your new moon ritual.

I hope you guys enjoy doing this ritual and can find some peace or healing that you may be needing in life. I also hope that you manifest your deepest desires and this moon month goes exactly how you wish it to. Now is the time for action and to put forth effort into achieving your goals. Use that comforting and nurturing energy to heal your family life and possible wounds from family trauma. Focus on your home and creative endeavours. There are several intense aspects happening in the next month so I truly recommend this new Moon ritual above all else. But as I stated above, hold off on doing your ritual for the next few days and ride out this eclipse energy. Happy July and Cancer season!