Momma Bat Witchery

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New Moon in Cancer Eclipse

Hey y’all I wanted to come here quickly and talk about the energy that is surrounding us heavy for the next few days, and I am sure you are also been potentially already feeling it. There is a full solar eclipse in Cancer that also coincides with the new Moon in Cancer. It will not be visible here in the Northern Hemisphere but will be to those in South American countries. We will not see it but we will still feel it. The emotional, nurturing, intuitive and creative water sign of Cancer is the mother of the zodiac. She is feminine and Cardinal. She is family oriented and a major homebody with love for creature comforts. Cancer had a tendency to cling to the past and can hold a grudge for a lifetime. I love Cancers so much they are great to have in your life. The family and home theme are going to be incredibly present for this eclipse. Especially with the new Moon in Cancer as well. Especially with Cancer being ruled by the moon. It will be intense. This Eclipse will be affecting those with Cardinal signs the most: this includes Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. I am sorry my friends, ride the waves and expect intense feelings and potentially life changing experiences. Eclipses often times signify fated turning points and incredibly transformation. A time to shed your old life and leave behind old paradigms. We are being highly encouraged to move forward and to embrace a new way. This is absolutely necessary and must be integrated into our very being and consciousness. For some people this eclipse season will be painful and hard but you must trust in the universe giving these hardships to you because it knows you can handle it and it knows that whatever changes are coming will be necessary and you will grow exponentially from these experiences. You would not be thrust in a new direction if you can’t handle it. With the new Moon and solar eclipse both in Cancer the family and home themes will be very present. Maybe you are moving houses? Reconciling with an extranged family member? Going through issues with your mother? Planning a big renovation for your home? Starting a new creative endeavour? Going through family issues? Processing childhood trauma? Dealing with your emotions for the first time in a long time? There are many ways this eclipse can present itself. Just know that if you are feeling anxious, or have that heavy feeling in your chest it is completely normal. The anxiety may be your intuition on feeling what is coming. Or maybe you’re already going through it and things will climax during the next few days. Eclipses may manifest themselves in a person in several ways: the anxiety, sleepless nights, overtired, sleeping too much, crazy dreams and visions, upset stomach, dehydrated, overemotional and overwhelmed. You must disengage when you can, rest up if you feel the need to rest and be very conscious of your actions and your reactions. I suggest sleep well and drink lots of water over the next few days. Spend time in the safety and security of your home with loved ones and spend time nurturing those you love and yourself. Self care will be key to getting through this tricky time. Ground yourself with crystals and cleansing/relaxing baths. Take care of yourself and also be very weary to not overreact and potentially create something out of nothing. I definitely suggest not performing any sort of magick or manifestation work until this energy passes for the next few days. I normally would be all over a tarot reading during this time but I will probably continue to give my cards a rest for at least the next day. Expect may regular scheduled tarot posts shortly. And in a few days Mercury Retrograde starts which will add even more confusion to this heavy eclipse energy. I will be posting about Mercury Retrograde very shortly as well. In the meantime please take care of yourself and those you love dearest. Just be comfy and enjoy some cozy, home time. If you feel anxious just know, this too shall past.