Momma Bat Witchery

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Full 'Pink" Moon in Libra

It’s crazy how fast a month goes! I feel like we just celebrated Ostara, Ash turning 9 months and last month’s full moon. And yet here we are again. Time for another full moon to come our way and bless us with her beautiful, amazing and powerful energy. Luckily for us we basically have a repeat of last month! This full moon is known as a Pink Full Moon because of a certain type of wildflower that would bloom at this time in spring, and also for the blossoms that are starting to bloom in certain areas. Obviously in Winnipeg things are slightly more delayed as we have had one hell of a spring. But never fear because this Pink Full Moon will signify the blooming to come for us which is just as important. Nature is coming back to life!

This full moon will occur at 6:12am tomorrow morning on April 19th and it is the second, on a very rare occurrence, of back to back Libra full moons. In all my time studying astrology which has been a fairly decent amount of time I have never seen this. Last month we had a full moon in Libra at 0˚ and we are ending April’s full moon in Libra as well at 29˚ (basically the first and last degree possible this moon can in this sign for). It is rare but it can happen with the way the months and days line up. Themes from last month will likely be present. Perhaps in being reintroduced or maybe they never really left to begin with and you are going through the same things you were last month. Focusing on balance, harmony and relationships. Personal relationships, with your lover, or your family. It could be a one on one relationship that you are going to focus on. You will feel more charming and sociable and it is a good time to enjoy with friends and family. Spend it with those you care about most. Again there may be themes of balance in personal relationships that will make themselves present. It’s a good time to question whether you pull your weight in the relationships in your life. Life isn’t just about taking. Maybe you have been more selfish as of recently? I promise the more selfless you act, good karma will come towards to you. Now on the opposite end don’t do everything for someone who won’t do shit for you. Don’t let someone walk all over you because they know you don’t want to stir the pot. Balance is key. Fairness is everything to Libras.

As always with full moons emotions and sensitivities are heightened and the energy is electric. You can feel it. What is hidden will come to the light and major changes or revelations are quite possible. Explosive feelings may not be contained during this time because of all the extra sensitivities. Try to remain grounded and use this time to focus on yourself and your partner and healing. Do a full moon ritual, cleanse your crystals and enjoy the outdoors. Thursday night will make a great time for a bonfire to gaze upon our glorious full moon. The energies are shifting with Mercury having moved into Aries today and the sun officially moving into Taurus (!!) at the end of this full moon and both Saturn and Pluto will go retrograde next week. But things are going to be bright, grounded, positive, beautiful and great! Until next month, enjoy yourselves and the moon!