Toddler and Baby Meals - Week #2 of March

I didn’t get to post any meal inspo last week because we didn't do anything fun or crazy or cute. I don’t always get to make cute meals for my boys, especially when I’m busy with going to the gym (I have recently upped my gym routine, I was working out once or twice a week and now I am working out 6x a week and getting 10k steps daily) and working on my blog. I wish every day could be cute meal day but unfortunately some days it’s just a peanut butter sandwich for lunch and leftovers for dinner. I do not claim to be a perfect mom who cooks elaborate meals for their kids every day. But the meals that I do put an effort into cooking and presenting are always cute and appreciated by the kiddos. This week's blog post is actually going to be a collection of some of our favourite meals that we have had this week. We have had good home cooking, some vegan and some of Jaxsy’s favourites. But all in all I felt I had enough material to make a blog post about our meal inspo this week.

On Monday for lunch, Jesse and I had sandwiches and I made a smorgasbord of goodies for the kids. Jaxson’s lunch consisted of blackberries, cucumber, baby carrots, baby tomatoes, a Babybel and Lays original chips. Asher also had a Babybel, blackberries, baby cheese puffs and a purée pouch. For dinner we had homemade spaghetti and turkey meatballs with homemade tomato sauce and garlic toast. Yum! Both kids gobbled up their plates and I never actually got any pictures of the plating but I did get a photo of everything before it was plated

Tomato sauce made by Jesse Turkey meatballs made by Jesse

Tomato sauce made by Jesse
Turkey meatballs made by Jesse

Babybel - Costco Fruits and veggies - Walmart Lays Original Chips - Safeway Love Child Organic purée pouch - Safeway Baby Cheetos - Superstore

Babybel - Costco
Fruits and veggies - Walmart
Lays Original Chips - Safeway
Love Child Organic purée pouch - Safeway
Baby Cheetos - Superstore

On Tuesday the boys had cereal and strawberries for breakfast. Jaxson loves just plain Kellog’s Flakes (the least amount of sugar and still tastes pretty good) with vanilla soy milk. He eats up a bowl and whatever last little bites are left I give to Ash. For their lunch that day I made turkey bacon and split a Costco blueberry muffin three ways. Ash still kinda struggles with meat a bit and I figured the turkey bacon would be tough for him so he did not have any turkey but he did love the muffin! For supper I made Jaxson’s most absolute favourite dinner. He requested chicken and broccoli or as he calls it “chicky and brocci”, whenever he requests this I always make him the Gardein “chicken” strips.” You can find them in most freezer aisles and they are a dead ringer for the real deal. Also damn good! Jaxson loves them and can’t tell the difference so I will always give the vegan option to him. I also made cauliflower tots because they’re also vegan and Jaxson and Ash both love them. They’re super easy to make and they definitely can replace your typical starchy potato tots or french fries.

Strawberries - Walmart Kellog’s Flakes - Costco Natura Vanilla Soy Milk - Superstore

Strawberries - Walmart
Kellog’s Flakes - Costco
Natura Vanilla Soy Milk - Superstore

Butterball Turkey Bacon - Costco Jumbo Blueberry Muffins - Costco

Butterball Turkey Bacon - Costco
Jumbo Blueberry Muffins - Costco

Green Giant Veggie Tots - Walmart

Green Giant Veggie Tots - Walmart

Gardein Crispy Tenders - Walmart

Gardein Crispy Tenders - Walmart

Gardein Crispy Tenders  Cauliflower Tots Broccoli with vegan butter and salt Love Child Organics Purée Pouch

Gardein Crispy Tenders
Cauliflower Tots
Broccoli with vegan butter and salt
Love Child Organics Purée Pouch

Snacks this week for the boys were typical. Veggies and fruit, cheese, breadsticks dipped in cheese, Veggie Straws and Goldfish and baby puffs and Cheetos (what I call baby Cheetos anyway lol). Jaxson’s fave veggies to snack on are sliced cucumbers, baby carrots, baby tomatoes and pickles. His favourite fruits are strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, bananas, oranges, apples and grapes. Although I think he would eat nearly anything that is colourful and sweet. Ash is starting to get better and better at eating whole fruits and veggies but for now I still offer the pouch to make sure he’s getting a variety in his diet and to get used to eating healthy options so he doesn’t grow up picky.

Pickles Babybel Kraft Dippers - Costco Baby Carrots Baby Tomatoes

Kraft Dippers - Costco
Baby Carrots
Baby Tomatoes

Baby Cheetos

Baby Cheetos

Tonight my mom has the kids because we are going to the Chef’s Ball so no meals posted from today but tomorrow I have a couple good ideas, I was thinking we would have a vegan day and I would try this Vegan stye minced Chorizo sausage to make either quesadillas or tacos. Probably quesadillas because it will be easier for the kids to eat. But I am so excited to see them because I always miss them so much while they are gone. But I am excited for a night out with hubby and to get all dolled up so I will enjoy it while I can. You can also follow me on Instagram ( @mommabat ) for more food updates and also stay tuned for an amazing foodie blog post on tonight’s Chef’s Ball!

Tofurky mince style Chorizo - Walmart

Tofurky mince style Chorizo - Walmart